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Edit a field's value in multiple files at once Customize the display value of Object, ObjectList and ObjectList items fields


fix multi file fields broken when some file names include a comma


fix mobile date and time picker


fix nested object fields


Native date picker New Datetime field type New Time field type

Better management of Number field increment and decrement


↕️ Change the order of fields for fileClasses in the field settings tab to apply on: - Missing fields insertion - MDM icon modal fields order (if the note has already fields in it, the order of the fields in the note will have higher priority over the settings order) - Fileclass tableview columns default order - MDM Code block columns default order

🩹 Fixed: Insert missing fields not inserted in reverse order anymore


New types: Media and MultiMedia

Like File and MultiFile field type but for non .md files Select the folder to search your media files Choose an embed size for images Choose a gallery or list mode for Media modal search

Improved field settings

Better field type selector Better field parent selector

Api method

postValues: id argument has been replaced by indexedPath to match the field setting definition postNamedFieldValues: create or modify fields by name (instead of indexedPath). Easier to manipulate but less precise in case of multiple fields having the same name


Performance improvements:

Table views and MDM code blocks won't include "insert field" buttons by default anymore to increase speed. new "Show inser field" Button in table view to display insert fields buttons new "showAddField" option in mdm code block, set it to showAddField: true to display insert fields in display insert buttons in the table Table view rebuild has been optimized so as not be triggered automatically When there's a change in a fileClass, a refresh button will be highlighted in the table view. Click on it to rebuild the table


Performance improvement for codeblocks and tableviews

Metadata Menu 0.6.9

complete walk-through by Danny Hatcher :


  • code block for fileclass table view
  • fileclass view reopening at start
  • existing saved view can now be modified
  • choose fileclass at filecreation
  • add fileclass to file command
  • global formula and lookup auto-calculation toggler in settings
  • fileclass default icon refactoring
  • extend fileclass views with child fileclasses

syntax for codeblock:

fileClass: <your file class> mandatory
view: <your saved view> optional
files per page:  <a number> optional
start: <a number> optional


  • formula not updating on click
  • single char field not parsed


Fix for icon in table view

πŸ“† MetadataMenu 0.6.6

I should have named this plugin with a shorter name πŸ˜…. I'll abbreviate it to MDM below


  • linkPath for datefield accepts a template: You can use templates to build your path with the formating token syntax of moment.js . For example Daily/Notes/{{YYYY}}/{{MM}} will render [[Daily/Notes/2024/01/2024-01-01]]. That can be useful if you have split your daily notes by subfolders for example
  • MDM icon displayed before the link in tables
  • map fileClass with folder now matches subfolders


  • MDM icon show up for fileClass links in preview mode
  • click on a link in the fileClass table view now includes the full path to open the file
  • file links in canvas field now correctly rendered in frontmatter


Improvements: - Fileclass table view: Each filter now comes with a value selector with values depending on the type of the field - Fileclass table view: Filters now accept regex pattern - Fileclass table view: Page ranges are folded when there are too many pages ranges resulting in a cluttered view - Date field: new command to clear the value of the field. Bug fix when the date entered wasn't parsed by natural language dates plugin - Boolean fields: less ambiguous icon to toggle the value of the field

Fix: - dataview first index not causing competing queries recalculation anymore - slash command not working at start


Improvements - replaced "add new field" by "insert missing field" in fields options - enable overriding field name in children fileclasses - fileClass add button is now bound to "show button in file explorer" setting

Performance - queries resolution are made asynchronously - new setting to scope the plugin to the frontmatter only - removed values indexing

Fix - input field with templates not broken when overriding text


Fixes - btn in property section for IPadOS - updateFormulas and updateLookups not recalculating at start anymore β†’ improves launch time - dvField for date not broken anymore


New display for formula field errors: the icon will be displayed in red instead of a Notice popping up


New Fields types: - JSON - YAML (frontmatter only) - Object (collection of fields) enabling nested fields in frontmatter - Object List (list of collection of fields) enabling nested fields in frontmatter - All fields can define a "Parent" in their setting among the Object or ObjectList fields defined for the fileclass (or globally in the settings)

example 1 : Object field

address:                 # Object field
  street: avenue Foch    # Input field with <address> as parent field
  number: 40             # Number field with <address> as parent field
  city: "[[Paris]]"      # File field with <address> as parent field

example 2 : Object List field

players:                 # ObjectList field
  - name: Mathieu        # Input field  with <players> as parent field
    grade: beginner      # Select Field  with <players> as parent field
  - name: Jules          # Input field (the same definition as above)
    grade: advanced      # Select Field (the same definition as above)

example 3: Mixing ObjectList and Object

players:                     # ObjectList field
  - name: Mathieu            # Input field   with <players> as parent field
    grade: beginner          # Select Field  with <players> as parent field
    address:                 # Object field  with <players> as parent field
      street: avenue Foch    # Input field with <address> as parent field
      number: 40             # Number field with <address> as parent field
      city: "[[Paris]]"      # File field with <address> as parent field
  - name: Jules              # Input field (the same definition as above)
    grade: advanced          # Select Field (the same definition as above)
    address:                 # Object field (the same definition as above)
      street: av de la paix  # Input field (the same definition as above)
      number: 25             # Number field (the same definition as above)
      city: "[[Paris]]"      # File field (the same definition as above)

Fileclass: - globally Exclude folders from fileClass mapping - map a fileclass with folders in your vault (associate their path in the fileclass setting view) - map a fileclass with bookmark groups in your vault (associate their path in the fileclass setting view) - exclude folders, extensions, regex from indexing - Fileclass creation: button next to the fileclass folder to facilitate the fileclass creation (removes 2 steps) - open fileclass settings after fileclass creation (removes 4 steps) - Button to directly Insert missing fields in frontmatter from the metadata menu modal (removes 1 step) - fileclass table views can be sorted by multiple columns by order, their column can be ordered and hidden. Your custom filtering/sorting/column arrangement can be saved in a "saved view". You can define a favorite saved view that will show up when hitting the fileclass icon - field modifier for object and objectlist fields in dataview tables

Commands and Menus: - removed the "per field" options in the menu - added an "Index Metadata Menu fields" command to force-reindex in case some data is incosistent in the modals - Two way to nagivate in the - Metadata menu commands in the property section (with an option to deactivate it) - fields modal can be called in properties section (manage field at cursor)

Others: - manage lookup field manual change (manually changed fields are skipped in update lookups so as not to be overwritten

Indexing: - new indexing mecanism - independent from dataview and obsidian - new index status in the status bar showing a rotating icon when the plugin is indeing data (meaning some values could be not up to date until the indexing is finished) - the index status shows if there are Formulas or Lookup that have changed in a note and that haven't been automatically updated (when autoupdate is set to false in their setting). click on the icon to update all formulas and lookups in this note - the metadatmenu button is displayed in a specific color (--text-warning) if there are Formulas or Lookup that have changed in a note and that haven't been automatically updated (when autoupdate is set to false in their setting). click on the index status icon to update all at once or open the Note Fields Modal to update them one by one

🧹deprecated functions - api : insertValues - api : replaceValues


πŸ”‘ Metadata Menu 0.5.2 Should work as expected along with Properties core plugin

Improvement 🎨 Ability to Format the field name when inserting as an inline field (dataview)

Fix πŸ”§ Metadata menu form, set/update not longer displays duplicates πŸ”§ Fixed input field for null value with number field, now interpreted as 0 so as to enable increment and decrement more easily.


I've released Metadata menu 0.5.0 It should work fine with obsidian 1.4.0


β˜ƒοΈ Metadata Menu 0.4.18 comes with lots of improvements

πŸ“± The note's field modal and the fileClass view display has been improved for mobile screens πŸ”₯ Support for advanced suggestions for file fields (thanks a lot @Krakor ). Read the documentation for more details πŸ€• Fixes for frontmatter autocomplete: single Select Field are no longer displayed as indented list πŸ“† Date display in the note's fields modal has been fixed for dates displayed as text


πŸš‘ Metadata Menu 0.4.11 Is out with some improvements

🩹 Auto suggester in frontmatter has been revamped 🧹 Empty fields in frontmatter are displayed as blank instead of "null" πŸ’Š You can choose to display your values as arrays or indented lists in frontmatter globally or per field ✏️ You can toggle on/off auto suggester globally in the plugin settings


🌝Metadata Menu 0.4.6 : Canvas Group Links fields

πŸ”— Canvas Group Link fields combine Canvas field and Canvas Group field: They will be updated with the links to node's files that are linked to matching groups (instead of group names given by Canvas Group fields). Use case: Use file nodes as kind of tagging for groups (see the picture for more clarity) Documentation here:

🀿 Subpath for Canvas fields: when a file node is narrowed to a header, the link returned in the canvas field contains the full path#sub-path

🐭 Input, Date and Number field modal improvement: type Enter will validate the field (faster than clicking the check button)


πŸŽ‰Happy new year everyone. Metadata Menu 0.4.5 brings a bunch of fixes for bugs that appeared with version 0.4.0 (due to new way of managing frontmatter). No longer broken:

Mobile version of the plugin is no longer broken
Indented lists in frontmatter (no more empty values, no more cursor returning at the beginning of the line after selecting an autosuggested value)


an extra space is added after inline fields separator :: when selecting a value from a modal
a notice will popup at the plugin launch if the dataview plugin isn’t installed and enabled.

Some unexpected behavior with autosuggest in frontmatter may still appear. Don’t hesitate to file an issue in github: we’ll find Β΄em all


πŸͺ© Metadata Menu 0.4.1 has been released. It brings more capabilities and more fun with metadata and canvas combination.

πŸ“₯ Introducing Canvas Group fields : Update your metadata based on groups in canvas, those fields will get updated with the names of groups matching specific conditions (color, label) their nodes belong to. See it in action in this tutorial to create a simple Kanban canvas:


πŸŽ„ Metadata Menu 0.4.0 is out

✨ Introducing Canvas fields : Bind your metadata with canvas nodes and edges, those fields will get updated with the file links matching nodes' and edges' conditions (color, side, direction, and more). demo here:, documentation here:

πŸŽ…πŸ» updating fields in frontmatter is now compliant with obsidian core standard: multiple values will be displayed as indented lists in yaml syntax.

🎁 Links in frontmatter are surrounded with double quotes: ready for dataview and frontmatter links

πŸͺ“ replaceValues and insertValues api methods are deprecated and will be removed in the next version. They are replaced by postValues that will create or update values

πŸ›· many changes under the hood to improve speed for fields indexing. As usual, some bugs may have not been identified, don't hesitate to open issues in github


Metadata Menu 0.3.7 has been released 🧚🏻

🦁 The Fileclass View has been improved. You have now 3 tabs:

A table view listing all notes with this fileClass or supercharged tag where you can now paginate the table, sort it, filter it.
A field view listing all the fileClass fields where you can change their settings, remove or add a field
A settings view where you can preset the records per page for the table view, the icon for the metadatamenu button for this fileClass, map it with tags and set tag aliases, set a parent fileClass and exclude fields

demo here: 🐘 You can now click on the link in the fileClass table view, it will open the note in a new tab πŸ¦… Manage field at cursor now automatically toggles boolean fields and move cycle fields forwards πŸ¦“ Bug fixes: MultiSelect display in dataview table with some links in it. FileClass table view not showing note with more than one fileClass


Metadata Menu 0.3.6 πŸͺ πŸ”­ fileClass and supercharged Tags table view: Display a dataview table of all notes with a given fileClass or supercharged tag, and gives the capability to modify them directly from the table. This is accessible from command palette "Open fileClass view" (you can set hotkey for it), or from the context menu of a file (in the sub menu of a fileClass)

🎭 Aliases for supercharged tags: you can bind a fileClass with any tag you want by setting tagNames: [tag1, tag2, ...] in the frontmatter of the fileClass. If there's no tagNames, the fileClass will be mapped with the tag of the same name (thanks for the idea)

🎹 Command palette to insert a specific field in the note (therefore you can set a hotkey to insert your favorite fields) (thanks @Miro_Kee for the idea)

🎨 Complete refactoring of the styling to better match the native UI of obsidian. πŸ›  Fixed date field with linkPath equal to the root folder (thanks davidbench for the PR) πŸ›  Fixed broken links in docs (thanks @bri (they/m) ) πŸ›  Fixed insertValue api method bug when the note has no frontmatter 🧹 Code cleaning. in case something is broken, don't hesitate to open an issue on github


πŸŽƒ Metadata Menu 0.3.4 is out πŸ§™πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Command and API method to bulk insert missing fields in a note (fields defined for fileClasses / supercharged tags associated to this note). doc here πŸ‘» Formula field : make automatic calculation based on your note's fields. demo here: πŸ•· Performance improvement: lookup field are way more efficient now. You can even set them to not-auto-update (freeze the results and update them on-demand)


β˜€οΈ Metadata Menu 0.3.3 Thanks a lot for all your nice feedbacks about v0.3.0 and your ideas to improve supercharged tags. In v0.3.3 you will find:

πŸͺΊ Support for nested fileClasses and supercharged tags
πŸ“š Bulk insert fields in a note from the context menu or the metadata menu button : insert fields available from all fileClasses / supercharged tags defined, or on a fileclass-per-fileclass mode
πŸ”§ Some field indexing performance improvement for large vaults (WIP)


β˜„οΈMetadata Menu 0.3.0

πŸ’ͺ🏻 Note Supercharged tags: Bind tags with fileClass definition. When you put a supercharged tag anywhere in a note, all fields defined in its fileClass definition are available for this note. 🐣 Create a supercharged tag: from existing or not yet exisiting tags πŸΆπŸ¦πŸš—πŸ—ΊοΈ Add multiple fileClass and supertags per note: combine fileClass, supercharged tags and fileclass queries to finegrain which metadata fields are available for your note.There's a priority management If the same field is defined in serveral fileclasses. πŸ“‹New Note's metadata fields form: access all available metadata fields for your note in a single form where you can easily:

insert  a field
update a field
see which fileclass/supertag the field belongs to
change the field settings
add a new field definition to one of the supercharged tag/fileclass of this note (it will therefore be available for other notes sharing the same supercharged tags and fileclasses)

✨ new Note's metadata button will be added right next to the note's link/tab header/... to access the note's metadata form without opening the note or navigating in the context menu. πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸŽ¨ The Note's metadata button icon can be customized in the fileClass definition (from icons set). You can customize where these buttons are displayed or hidden in the settings. 🀝When used in combination with the Supercharged links plugin, you get a great understanding of what a note is about and great ease to manipulate its metadata from anywhere in your vault. πŸ“ŒBetter UX for section choice for "add a field at section" command. πŸ”§Lots of under-the-hood optimization, so if anything doesn’t work as expected, don't hesitate to open an issue in github.


Metadata Menu 0.2.11 is available:

πŸ“Ά File and MultiFile fields suggester modals are now sorted alphabetically and you can customize the sorting order (by creation time, reverse order, ...)


πŸͺ… Metadata Menu 0.2.9 with many QOL improvements πŸ–

Improve your File and MultiFile fields with aliases 🎭 Improve your Select and MultiSelect fields with a note of values πŸ“ Add missing values to settings from the field modal 😬 Create a custom values list with a dataview query πŸ€“

βš™οΈ lots of "under the hood" improvements. Don't hesitate to create an issue on github in case of weird behavior


✨ Metadata Menu 0.2.7

πŸ”Ž Display lookup fields as bullet list below the field. As a reminder: the lookup field is automatically updated when one of the target note is modified, just like a dataview view, but as genuine markdown. This may be useful to automatize your Maps Of Content (MOC) for example


🎊 Metadata Menu 0.2.0 is live with new exciting stuff

πŸ”Ž Lookup fields: they are like Dataview inline expressions (flexible and automatically updated) but persistent. The new calculated value is replaced in your note and therefore is just regular text. Check the documentation (

πŸ–±Select fields: you can now add new values to the settings for your Select fields (and multi select) directly from the modal when typing a value that is not yet in the suggestions. The focus as also been improved: you can 100% use Select fields with your keyboard now!

βš™οΈ core engine: the plugin has been improved so as to be fully synchronous thanks to an internal index. Even if it's been tested, there may be some edge cases that I didn't catch, don't hesitate to open a bug in Github. As a result, fieldModifier for Dataview tables are easier to write (they no longer require Promise, async, await instructions). See the documentation


Metadata Menu 0.1.34 🐣 ⌚ introducing timeshifting: you can now set shift intervals to push Date fields in the future. This may be useful for spaced repetition in your knowledge management workflow or to postpone dates in your project management workflow


Metadata Menu 0.1.31 🎯 New command: Manage fields at cursor. This command is accessible from right-click or from command palette (you can assign a hotkey). Updating fields within a note gets faster and your notes get a little bit closer to forms!


Metadata Menu 0.1.28 😎 * πŸ—‚ MultiFile field type is now available: select multiple files from your vault (optionally matching a dataview query) * πŸ“ŒNative suggest modal for multiple values selection (for MultiFile and MultiSelect types)


Metadata Menu 0.1.27: Manage metadata inside callouts


Hi! Metadata Menu 0.1.22 is live πŸŽ‰ Access your metadata by "right-clicking" in live preview. Field options are also sorted in a sub menu: your context menus are therefore much shorter and better organized. I've also migrated the documentation in github pages:


Hi! Metadata Menu 0.1.19 is live with many new features and QOL improvements. (thank you for your feature requests, they gave me many ideas for this version) πŸ₯³ UI improvements: native icons, suggesters instead of dropdown to select and insert fields, better focus in field modals. You should be able to manage your fields without your mouse or arrow keys. Metadata management has become blazzing fast. There's a "template" option for Input fields to help you fill them: each {{attribute}} will be converted in a dedicated input or dropdown and the input will be filled with the rendered template. See demo 5 in documentation "Input Fields with template" You can now associate a fileClass with a dataview query: for every file matching the query, the fields settings (type, options...) will be managed by the given fileClass. Usefull to have every file in a folder, or with certain tags, to be applied a fileClass without having to clutter your frontmatter with fileClass attribute. See documentation and especially demo 6 in documentation for full demonstration of fileClass


Metadata Menu 0.1.15 πŸ”₯πŸš€ Add a field directly from a dataview table cell.


Metadata Menu 0.1.14 πŸŽ‰ πŸ“†You can now manage Date fields in your metadata: - insert or modify a date in frontmatter or inline field with a date picker or in natural language (thanks to Natural Language Date plugin) - insert dates as link or string - control dates directly from a dataview table


Metadata Menu 0.1.11 is live πŸ₯³. There's a new field type available: File File fields will be populated with a link to a file in your vault. The selection of this link is facilitated by a dedicated file suggester. You can also set an optional dataview query to specify which links should be available for this field πŸ€“


all commands including field autocompletion now work for - "in-sentence fields" (dataview style [field:: value]) - even within task - in list fields (- field:: value) - styled fields (field:: value...)


πŸ’‘ Types : Metadata Menu can now manage more field types: Number, Boolean, standard Input, Select from list, Multi select from list and Cycle from list.

πŸ”§ Settings : Field types and options can be defined with a unified UX from the plugin settings or from fileClass fields defiinition.

πŸ”Ž Dataview : You can benefit from specific controls to modify your fields depending on their types directly from your dataview table πŸŽ‰

↕️ The new Number type can be set with a step option (for increment and decrement feature), a min and a max options for field validation

This version comes with a significant refactoring and despite the tests some bugs may remain πŸ™ˆ. don't hesitate to open an issue in github.


πŸŽ‰ Boolean is now a new supported type in metadatamenu Boolean fields can be defined either globally in settings (preset fields) or for a given fileClass From there you can - toggle boolean fields from context menu - define a fieldModifier in a dataview table and toggle your boolean field directly from the checkbox in your table βœ…

⚠️ fieldWithMenu (introduced in 0.1.1) has been replaced by fieldModifier (see Readme)


Modify target file's fields directly from a dataview table (limited to tables created with dataviewjs). See for Β« how to Β».


Metadata Menu v0.1.0 is available with styling improvements for modals by @SlRvb (thanks a lot) and an first API (see Readme for details) It also comes with a lot of code cleaning and refactoring. Not everything is properly tested πŸ™ˆ so don’t hesitate to open issues if something is broken.