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With Metadata Menu, you have several options to control a field: - Autocompletion - Context Menu and command palette - Metadata menu button opening the note's fields modal - Codeblocks - Api

Control field with autocompletion

In Editor mode, type ":" after a field in frontmatter, or "::" after an inline-field to trigger the autocompletion for Select, Multi, File and Multi File fields

Context Menu and Command palette

Right click in the live preview, on a link, a file in explorer, or opening a file's or plugin's context menu will display options to manage the note's fields

these options are accessible from:

  • the local menu in the live preview (right-click in the note)
  • the context menu of a link,
  • the context menu of a calendar day,
  • the context menu of a file in the file explorer,
  • the menu of a file
  • the command palette "Cmd+P" : Metadata Menu - field options or insert field at cursor or manage field at cursor
  • other context menu (not tested)

Open fields modal

Will open a modal to manage the fields and fileclasses of this note with a compact UI The order of the fields in the modal will be the order of the fields in the file for existing field and the order of the fields defined in the fileclass fields settings view for missing fields

Manage Fields

Will open a native Obsidian suggest modal with options available to modify a field or execute the actions mentionned hereafter

Add a new field at section

  1. Right-click on the link
  2. Click on "Add field at section"
  3. Select the line in the target file where you want to insert the new field
  4. Select the field
  5. Use the field's modal to manage the value

NB: if the field type is restricted to the frontmatter section, it will be added at the end of the frontmatter whatever the line chosen

Add a new field at cursor

In live preview, you can add a field at cursor without having to choose the section

Insert all missing fields

When fileClasses are defined for a note, you can bulk insert all fields defined in those fileClasses that aren't yet included in the note

You can also insert missing fields on a fileClass per fileClass mode : this option is also available in fileClass sub-menu, or next to fileClasses in the Metadata Menu modal (see Metadata Menu button)

Missing fields will be inserted at the specified line number or at the end of the frontmatter if no line is specified. The missing fields will be inserted in the order defined in the fileclass view fields settings

Control field from dataview tables with dataviewjs

using fieldModifier function included in metadata-menu API (see # Api), you can build modifiable fields within dataview table

fieldModifier takes 4 arguments:

  • dv: the dataview api
  • p : the page your are currently iterating on
  • fieldName: the name of the field you want to display (as string)
  • attrs (optional): an object with the attributes you want to pass to the field:
    • cls (optional): the class to be applied to the field
    • attr (optional): the dataview attributes for the field (they will be included as data tags in the HTML rendering of the field)
    • options (optional): an object containing specific options for Metadata Menu field modification



with options: {alwaysOn: true} the control for the field will always be displayed

with options: {alwaysOn: false} (default) the control for the field won't always be displayed, you'll have to click on an intermediate button or hover the field to display the control


with options: {showAddField: true} if the file has no corresponding field, a "+" button will be displayed to select a line in the target file where to add this field

with options: {showAddField: false} (default) if the file has no corresponding field, a null value will be displayed


with options: {inFrontmatter: true} the field will automatically be inserted at the end of the frontmatter of the file if exists. If there's no frontmatter (or wrongly formatted frontmatter), a modal will be displayed to select the section where to insert the field

with options: {inFrontmatter: false} (default) a modal will be displayed to select the section where to insert the field


/* dataviewjs block */

const {fieldModifier: f} = MetadataMenu.api // destruct metadata-menu api to use fieldModifier function and give an alias: "f"

dv.table(["file", "Masterization", "Tune"], 
    .where(p => p.fileClass === "music")
    .map(p => [, 
        f(dv, p, "masterization", {options: {alwaysOn: true}}),  // pass dv (dataview api instance), p (the page), the field name to fieldModifier (: "f") and an object with options: {alwaysOn: true} so taht the control is always visible
        f(dv, p, "tune") // pass dv (dataview api instance), p (the page), and the field name to fieldModifier (: "f")

Controls will be added to the dataview's table depending on the type of the field.

Globally update lookup fields

Lookup fields automatically update themselves unless you untoggle their "Auto-update" option

If you want to force-update this lookup field you can use the command palette command Metadata Menu: Update lookup fields

Metadata Menu button & Metadata Menu modal

if one or more fileClass / Supercharged tag is defined for a note, you can display a button next to the note reference everywhere in your vault. When clicking this button, a modal will display all fields defined for those fileClasses and their values.

From there you can - update a field - insert a field - change the setting of the field in its fileClass - see which field corresponds to which fileClass and the opposite - bulk insert missing fields (for all fileClasses, or or one fileClass in particular)

The icon of the button can be customized in the fileClass with the higher priority (see icon )

The visibility of the button can be managed in the plugin settings


You can display a fileclass table view anywhere with a codeblock:

fileClass: <your file class> mandatory
view: <your saved view> optional
files per page:  <a number> optional
start: <a number> optional
showAddField: <true of false> optional (false if absent)

Bulk edit fields

You can edit a field's value in multiple files at once.

From a fileclass table view or a Codeblock: - click on the first column to display checkboxes to select the files where you want to update the field's values - toggling the checkbox of the header row will toggle all the files' checkboxes in the page (depending on where you are in the pagination of your table) - click on the field name (header cell of the table) of the field that you want to update - update the value in the field's modal - a confirmation modal will be displayed showing you the values that will be modified - click on "confirm" to update the field's value in the selected files
