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Metadata Menu fields

Metadata Menu manages fields thanks to fields definition.

A field can be identified in serveral sections of a markdown file:

Fields in the frontmatter section

Called Propertyin Obsidian, fields in frontmatter are of form: <name>: <value>

Fields in the body section of the file with dataview notation

Following Dataview notation, you can define fields:

  • in the body of the file, occupying the full line <name>:: <value>
  • inside a line in the body of the file, surrounded with brackets or parenthesis: ... (<name>:: value) ...or ... [<name>:: <value>]...

Field definition

In order to give metadata menu the capability to manage a field, you'll have to set a definition for it. You can set a definition for a field in two places:

All fields defintions are composed of:

These options are translated in a field object stored:

  • as a fields item in the fileClass file for fileclasses fields
  • as a fields item in the data.json file of the plugin's folder for preset fields

Field object structure

key value
name field name
type field type
id unique string automatically generated to identify the field across the vault
options specific options by field type
path The path of the field in the parent herarchy:
- empty or "" if the field doesn't have a parent
- if the field has a parent (e.g. field of type Object or ObjectList)
- ____ if the field has a parent that also has a parent
- .... any depth level is supported

Indexed Path

For each field instance in a file, the plugin computes an indexedPath attribute for each existing field in the plugin's index.

It is used to identify the field instance in an ObjectList and has to be passed to the id attribute of the postValues method.

It is composed of each parent id separated by ____, the position in each parent object list next to the parent id between square brackets, and ends with the field's id

Example of a "Company" fileClass fields: |Field name|Type|id|path| |---|---|---|---| |City|Input|HDERA|| |Employees|ObjectList|dx8Mth|| |Name|Input|7r1kwd|dx8Mth| |Role|Input|PCNGE4|dx8Mth| |Contact Info|Object|Y0dsfZ|dx8Mth| |e-mail|Input|hRlSsW|dx8Mth_Y0dsfZ| |phone number|Input|xLPW7T|dx8Mth_Y0dsfZ|

Example of computed indexedPath for each field in a file:

#Field                            # indexedPath
City: Paris                       # HDERA
Employees:                        # dx8Mth
  - Name: John Doe                # dx8Mth[0]____7r1kwd
    Role: CFO                     # dx8Mth[0]____PCNGE4
    Contact Info:                 # dx8Mth[0]____Y0dsfZ
      e-mail: john.doe@acme.ob    # dx8Mth[0]____Y0dsfZ____hRlSsW
      phone number: 1234567891    # dx8Mth[0]____Y0dsfZ____xLPW7T
  - Name: Ann Martin              # dx8Mth[1]____7r1kwd
    Role: CEO                     # dx8Mth[1]____PCNGE4
    Contact Info:                 # dx8Mth[1]____Y0dsfZ
      e-mail: ann.martin@acme.ob  # dx8Mth[1]____Y0dsfZ____hRlSsW
      phone number: 1234567890    # dx8Mth[1]____Y0dsfZ____xLPW7T

Fields Types

Metadata Menu can manage several field types. Choose them depending on the kind of data that you want to put in your field:

  • Input : this is the default type. it will Accept any value
  • Boolean: a field that can Accept true or false or null value
  • Number: a field that can Accept a number
  • Select: a field that can Accept a single value from a list
  • Multi: a field that can Accept multiple values from a list
  • Cycle: a field that will Cycle through values from a list
  • File: a field that will Accept a link to a file from your vault
  • MultiFile: a field that will Accept multiple links
  • Media: a field that will Accept a link to a media file from your vault
  • MultiMedia: a field that will Accept multiple links to media files
  • Date: a field that will Accept a date
  • DateTime: a field that will Accept a date with time
  • Time: a field that will Accept a time
  • Lookup: a field that will Accept a lookup query
  • Formula: a field that will Make Calculation based on note's fields
  • Canvas: a field that will Update with links in a canvas
  • Canvas Group: a field that will Update with groups in a canvas
  • Canvas Group Link: a field that will Update with groups links in a canvas
  • JSON: a field that will Accept a JSON object
  • YAML: a field that will Accept a YAML object
  • Object: a field that will Accept a collection of fields
  • Object List: a field that will Accept a list of collection of fields

Fields common settings

Field name

The name of the field - case sensitive.

Metadata menu will search for this name to parse the files mapping the fileclass (if the file is mapping at least one fileclass) or all files if no fileClass is defined unless this field or the files are excluded from indexing

A field's name is unique for a given level per fileclass (or within the preset fields)


This setting is available if there is at least one Object or Object List field created for this fileclass or in the preset fields

Some field types can't have parents (they can't be nested): Lookup, Formula, Canvas, Canvas Group, Canvas Group Link

Set a command for this field

If toggled, this field will be accessible with Obsidian's command palette.

You can set an icon for the button of the command in the mobile toolbar (icon names have to be one of the library)

Frontmatter List display type

Defines the way that multi-value type fields (Multi, MultiFile) are displayed in the frontmatter:

  • As an array inline: Field: [Value1, Value2]
  • As an indented list below the field name:
  - Value 1
  - Value 2

Inline field style

Inline fields can be automatically styled with four styles (you can mix them):

  • bold,
  • italic,
  • strikethrough
  • code

NB: the changes to these settings won't affect existing fields. The new style will be applied the next time the field's value has changed

Field type

Select the type of the field. The type of the field will define specific controls (buttons, forms, ....) and validation to enter or modify values

[!IMPORTANT] once saved, you won't be able to change the type of the field in order to avoid inconsistencies in the indexing.

If you really need to change the type of a field, and if you are sure that it won't cause any discrepancies in your data, you'll have to remove this field from the fileclass or the preset fields and create a new one with the same name and the new type.

Some types are only available in the frontmatter:

Nesting fields

If the preset fields or a fileclass contains at least one Object or Object List field, then you can nest fields.

Nesting a field (A) consists of setting an Object or Object List field (B) as a parent of (A)

Each field sharing the same parent will have the same "level". If a field has no parent it is considered as "root"

Field names are unique per level per fileClass, or unique per level in the preset Fields settings

Object and Object List field can also have parent, therefore you can nest "infinitely"


A basic type to store a string.


You can define a template to help fill your Input field.

Every item enclosed in curly braces will be transformed into an input or a dropdown select in the field modal. You can modify the "templatized" text afterwards:

  • {{Name}} will be transformed in an input field labeled "Name"
  • {{color: ["red", "green", "blue"]}} will be transformed into a dropdown select field labelled "color" with 3 value: "red", "green" and "blue


  • Field modal: text area with optional inputs and dropdown selects based ont the tempplate
  • Command palette: open field modal
  • Note modal: open field modal
  • Dataview table: in-cell value modifier


A type that accepts true or false values.

If the field's value is anything else than true, it will be mapped with false


  • Field modal: choose value
  • Command palette: toggle value
  • Note Modal: toggle value
  • Dataview table: toggle button


A type that accepts a number (int or float).


You can define an optional:

  • (increment/decrement) step
  • minimum value
  • maximum value


  • Field modal: change value, increment, decrement
  • Command palette: open field modal
  • Note modal: open field modal
  • Dataview table: change value in-cell, increment, decrement


A type that accepts values from a list.


You can define several sources for the values:

  • a note path: each line of the target note will be an option for the dropdown selector
  • a javascript function returning an array of string (dataview api is available with the dv keyword, the dv.current() variable is available with the current keyword)
  • the setting form (add/edit/remove values one by one)


  • Field modal: select value, clear value, add a new value to the settings
  • Command palette: open field modal
  • Note modal: open field modal
  • Dataview table: open field modal
  • Inline value suggestor: choose a value from the list


A type that will cycle through values from a list.


You can define several sources for the values:

  • a note path: each line of the target note will be an option for the dropdown selector
  • a javascript function returning an array of string (dataview api is available with the dv keyword, the dv.current() variable is available with the current keyword)
  • the setting form (add/edit/remove values one by one)

Cycle begins by a null value

When set to true, the value of the field will be set to null if increasing one step after the last value of the list


  • Command palette: move to the next value
  • Note modal: move to the next value
  • Dataview table: move to the next value
  • Inline value suggestor: choose a value from the list


A type that multiple values from a list.


You can define several sources for the values:

  • a note path: each line of the target note will be an option for the dropdown selector
  • a javascript function returning an array of string (dataview api is available with the dv keyword, the dv.current() variable is available with the current keyword)
  • the setting form (add/edit/remove values one by one)


  • Field modal: select/unselect value(s), clear all values, add a new value to the settings
  • Command palette: open field modal
  • Note modal: open field modal
  • Dataview table: open field modal
  • Inline value suggestor: choose a value from the list, type a comma to add another value...


A type that accepts a date.


You can define:

  • the date format as defined in moment.js library
  • insert link by default: The date will be embedded in an internal link : [[2024-01-01]]
  • Link path : if provided, the path will be explicitely included in the internal link : [[Daily/Notes/2024-01-01]]
  • Define a shift interval: a value in moment.js duration notation
  • Choose a cycle field belonging to this fileclass or preset fields that contains duration values. Each time you shift the date, the date will be added the current value, and the cycle field will be updated with the next value in the list. This "Interval field" can't be a nested field

You can use templates to build your path with the formating token syntax of moment.js. For example Daily/Notes/{{YYYY}}/{{MM}} will render [[Daily/Notes/2024/01/2024-01-01]]. That can be useful if you have split subfolder for your daily notes for example


  • Field modal: input a date, choose a date from a datepicker, insert as link/as raw text, shift ahead
  • Command palette: open field modal
  • Note modal: open field modal
  • Dataview table: open field modal

if the plugin Natural Language Dates is installed, you can use it in the field modal when typing the date in the input field


A type that accepts a date with time


You can define:

  • the time format as defined in moment.js library
  • Define a shift interval: a value in moment.js duration notation
  • Choose a cycle field belonging to this fileclass or preset fields that contains duration values. Each time you shift the date, the time will be added the current value, and the cycle field will be updated with the next value in the list. This "Interval field" can't be a nested field


  • Field modal: input a date, choose a date from a datepicker, insert as link/as raw text, shift ahead
  • Command palette: open field modal
  • Note modal: open field modal
  • Dataview table: open field modal


A type that accepts a time (hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds)


You can define:

  • the date and time format as defined in moment.js library
  • Define a shift interval: a value in moment.js duration notation
  • Choose a cycle field belonging to this fileclass or preset fields that contains duration values. Each time you shift the date, the date will be added the current value, and the cycle field will be updated with the next value in the list. This "Interval field" can't be a nested field


  • Field modal: input a date, choose a date from a datepicker, insert as link/as raw text, shift ahead
  • Command palette: open field modal
  • Note modal: open field modal
  • Dataview table: open field modal


A type that accepts an internal link to a file in your vault


You can define : - a dataviewjs query returning an array of pages - a javascript function to return an alias for each result - a javascript function to sort the results within the query

Dataview query

It accepts a call to the api function dv.pages that will return pages from your vault according to this function. Dataview api can be accessed with the dv variable, and the current page ( object) is available with the current variable

you’ll have to use dv.pages function explained here :

it takes a « source » (explained here

you can also improve the filtering by applying a combination of other functions to the result returned by dv.pages(source):

  • dv.pages(…).where(…)
  • dv.pages(…).filter(…)
  • dv.pages(…).limit(…)
  • etc

you can combine them:

  • dv.pages(…).where(…).limit(...)

see documentation here

A good source of help to build dataview queries is the obsidian discord server > plugin-advanced > dataview : the community is really helpful there.

Advanced usage

  1. If you want to suggest only the pages that are defined on a specific field inside your notes, you can write the following:
dv.pages().map(p => p.field)

where field is the name of the inline field you want to target.

  1. You can also return an array of links directly from this query. This means that you can retrieve the value of a single field in any of your files.

Example:"Jules Verne").books

This would work if you have a file named Jules in your vault (its path doesn't matter) that contains an inline field named books filled with one or more links to other pages.

For both of the above use cases : - only existing pages will appear in the suggestion - frontmatter fields are not supported


It accepts a javascript instruction returning a string using dataview page attribute

example: "🚀" + (page.surname ||

Sorting order

It accepts a javascript instruction returning a number using two files a and b

example 1: a.basename < b.basename ? -1 : 1

example 2: a.stat.ctime - b.stat.ctime


  • Field modal: select a file, clear the value, type a string to filter the results
  • Command palette: open field modal
  • Note modal: open field modal
  • Dataview table: open field modal
  • Inline value suggestor: choose a value from the list

Multi File

A type that accepts amultiple internal links to files in your vault


You can define :

  • a dataviewjs query returning an array of pages
  • a javascript function to return an alias for each result
  • a javascript function to sort the results within the query


  • Field modal: select/unselect a file, clear the values, type a string to filter the results
  • Command palette: open field modal
  • Note modal: open field modal
  • Dataview table: open field modal
  • Inline value suggestor: choose a value from the list, type a comma to add another value...


A type that accepts an internal link to a media file in your vault


You can define :

  • the folders where your media files are located
  • the embed size for images
  • display the media modal search as list or cards (gallery style)


Multiple media files


A lookup field will look for targetted fields (aka related field) in targetted notes (aka Dataview JS Query results) and display the result in a presistent manner. Unlike a dataview view, a lookup field will change the content of the file by updating the value of the lookup field. So even if you disable dataview plugin, the lookup field will still contain the value. Lookup fields can therefore be "published".

Lookup options

Pages to look for in your vault (DataviewJS Query)

A DataviewJS query of the form dv.pages(...) that has to return a data array of page object (see Dataview Pages source definition)

The name of the field that the plugin should look for in pages returned by the query. The plugin will filter the results returned by the query with to match the value of the related field with the source note's link

Type of output

Lookup field can display the result in a very various ways:

Simple list of links of the notes matching the query, comma separated

Just like Links list, displayed as a bullet list below the field

Built-in Summarizing function

NB: For this option you'll have to set the name of the target field on which you want to apply the built-in function in the Summarized field name input (not necessary for the CountAll function)

  • Sum: sum of the values of a specific field in the notes returned by the query
  • Count: Counts all pages matching the query where the "Summarized field" is non empty
  • CountAll: Counts all the pages matching the query
  • Average: Returns the average value of summarized fields in the pages matching the query
  • Max: Returns the maximum value of summarized fields in the pages matching the query
  • Min: Returns the minimum value of summarized fields in the pages matching the query
Custom list rendering function

like the Links option, but you can customize the way each value is displayed. The object page is available (see Dataview page object for all attributes available in the page object) and can be used to build your output. The output has to be a string.

Custom indented list rendering function

Just like the Custom list. Displayed as a bullet list below the field

Custom summarizing function

like the Built-in summarizing function option but you can customize the function you want to apply on the data array of pages returned by the query.

The pages data array object is available.

You have the write the code of the function, this function has to return something.

Example1: return pages.length

Example2: const i=0.0;const sum = pages.reduce((p, c) => p + c["age"], i); return sum / pages.length


  • Command palette: update lookup field (if it is not auto-updated)
  • Note modal: update lookup field (if it is not auto-updated)


If you have a lookup field students defined like this:

  • name: `students``
  • dataview query: `dv.pages("#student")``
  • Name of the related field: School
  • auto-update: true

If you have the following notes
School:: [[Princeton]]
School:: [[Princeton]]
School:: [[Princeton]]
School:: [[HEC]]

if you put students:: field in the following files, you'll get the following results
students:: [[Eric]] // auto-filled
students:: [[John]], [[Anna]], [[Steve]] // auto-filled


A field that returns the result of a javascript function


You can define :

  • if the field will auto-update each time the content of your vault has changed (can slow down obsidian if you have many of those fields and a lot of files)
  • a javascript function returning a value. (the dataview api is available with th dv keyword, the current dataview page object is available with the keyword current)


  • Command palette: update lookup field (if it is not auto-updated)
  • Note modal: update lookup field (if it is not auto-updated)


if you have the field mixed sumdefined like this:

  • name: mixed sum
  • auto-update: true
  • javascript formula: current.apples + current.bananas

If you put the field mixed sum:: in the following file, you'll get the following result
apples:: 7
bananas:: 3
mixed sum:: 10 // auto-calculated


A canvas field of a given note is automatically updated with other notes connected to it in a specific canvas.


Path of the canvas

The path to canvas where you want to search for matching connexions

Nodes to target from this note

The direction of the edge connecting this node with other nodes:

  • Incoming: only the nodes with edges pointing to this node will be triggered
  • Outgoing: only the nodes to which this node is pointing will be triggered
  • Both Side: every nodes connected to this node will be triggered

Node matching colors

Only the nodes connected to this node that have a color within the selected values will be triggered. You can define custom color values on top of the 6 default colors available in the canvas

Matching files

You can define a dvJS query that will return files. Only the nodes connected to this node whom corresponding files belong to the dvJS query result will be triggered

Edge matching color

Only the nodes connected to this node with an edge that has a color within the selected values will be triggered. You can define custom color values on top of the 6 default colors available in the canvas

Edge matching from side

Only the nodes connected to this node with an edge starting from the selected side values will be triggered.

Edge matching to side

Only the nodes connected to this node with an edge pointing to the selected side values will be triggered.

Edge matching label

Only the nodes connected to this node with an edge that has a label within the values list will be triggered. You can remove a label from the list by clicking on the cross in the chip

Add new matching label

Add new labels to match with edge labels.

Canvas Group

A canvas group field of a given note is automatically updated with names of matching groups their nodes belong to in a specific canvas.


Path of the canvas

The path to canvas where you want to search for matching groups

Group matching color

Only the groups surrounding this node that have a color within the selected values will be triggered. You can define custom color values on top of the 6 default colors available in the canvas

Group matching label

Only the groups surrounding this node with an edge that has a label within the values list will be triggered. You can remove a label from the list by clicking on the cross in the chip

Add new matching label

Add new labels to match with groups labels.

Combination of the Canvas and the Canvas Group field options. This time, the field will target nodes linked to the groups the node belongs to



A simple JSON field that will be serialized when included as an inline-field, or as a "JSON in YAML" when included in the frontmatter. The properties in the JSON are "free" meaning that they are not tied to a field definition


  • Field modal: edit the JSON object
  • Command palette: open field modal
  • Note modal: open field modal


A simple YAML field. The properties in the YAML are "free" meaning that they are not tied to a field definition. This field type is only available in the frontmatter


  • Field modal: edit the YAML object
  • Command palette: open field modal
  • Note modal: open field modal


A field that acts as a parent for other fields. When created, it will appear in the the "Parent" dropdown selector of a field setting. This field is only available in the frontmatter section


  • Field modal: select the nested field to edit and trigger its "Field modal" command, add a missing child field to this object
  • Command palette: open field modal
  • Note modal: go to the note modal of this object, listing all children fields and access their commands, add a missing child field to this object

Object List

A field that acts as a parent for other fields. When created, it will appear in the the "Parent" dropdown selector of a field setting. This field is only available in the frontmatter section.


  • Field modal: select the nested set of fields to edit and open the corresponding object field modal, add a new item to this object list, remove an item from this object list
  • Command palette: open field modal
  • Note modal: go to the note modal of this object list, listing all items of the list, click on one item to access the Note modal page of the corresponding Object